carol gatekeeper

a conversation with our gatekeeper is the friendliest conversation you will ever have. her lists are magical and her laugh is infectious. no matter the question, carol will bend over backwards twice to find your answer.


alias: winnebago county pork queen

favorite font: garamond

are you over mufasa's death:

yes, the past can hurt. you either run from it or learn from it.

what is your shower song: cold as ice

first fictional crush: captain kangaroo

favorite hobby: shopping!

biggest pet peeve: lack of planning

what super power would you like to have for one day:

read people's minds

rank the 6 friends, in order of cool to lame: they are dead to me

best destresser: wine

how many states have you been to: 15

favorite quote: you can't fix stupid

if you were justin bieber, what would you have done differently: not give my roasters so much material to work with

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