want to see what we've been buzzzzy with lately?
it was a cold winter day in january 1992. one computer. a table made of 2x4s. a single light bulb hung from the darkness above. there was a smell of moth balls and sawdust in the air. with a touch of a button the screen came to life. julsdesign was born.
growing up was fun. the pace was fast. the rewards were abundant. "i" is now a "we". the darkness has been illuminated by a flourescent glow. the 2x4s have long since gone. the smell of toner circles the air. we are blessed. we are thankful. we are passionate.
we will continue to do what we are meant to do. design. create. collaborate.
2309 w 1st street | ankeny, ia 50023
515.963.8309 | f: 5.5963.8909